I've been working to export time series for scout(via Schaefer_100_7net atlas) activity based on various functions and have been running into some confusion with calculations and efficient workflows. I started playing around with the impression that the 'all' scout function option would output values for each of the preceding functions(Mean/Power/Max/PCA/Std) but discovered the resulting files were an order of magnitude larger for the 'all' option than the combined files for all the rest. Upon further review my understanding is this is because the 'all' option outputs values for each sublocation within the scouts rather than being a one-and-done computation of all the other metrics that consolidate sublocations into a single metric over the whole region, is this correct?
A related issue is that attempting to build a process pipeline where each of the summary scout functions is computed iteratively(so first compute Mean time series, then Power, then...) ends up generating errors in the GUI with more than one function listed in the process. I'd imagine this would be relatively simple to circumvent via scripting, but I'm not familiar enough with Brainstorm scripting yet to know where to begin there. Any advice on how this might be efficiently done via the GUI or scripts would be greatly appreciated.