Extract PSD values from different files into new PSD file

I have an unusual situation in which a subject has 10 separate conditions and the average PSD transform of each. What I would like to do is to extract the power at 1Hz from file #1, the power at 2Hz from file #2...and the 10Hz power from file #10, then put them into a single file that can still visualized and analyzed in Brainstorm.

I've tried several versions of using the Matlab Command process and the Extract Values process, but can't seem to get what I would like. Does anyone have any suggestions? I realize an alternative would be to export all the data to Matlab and then just use EEGlab for visualization, but I was trying to come up with a way of making the process native to Brainstorm.

Many thanks in advance!

This is a quite uncommon approach to do. As such it is not possible through the GUI. However it is possible to do so by manually handling the PSD files.

  1. Create a copy of any of the 10 PSD files, this copy will be the one to hold the results
  2. Export to Matlab the 11 PSD files (right-click > File > Export to Matlab)
  3. Handle the PSD data in (in the field TF, with dimensions [nChannels, nTimes=1, nFreqs])
  4. Set the processed PSD in the field TF in the variable of the PSD from step 1.
  5. On the GUI, use the option Import from Matlab, to import the modified PSD, on the PSD from step 1

Note: It is strange (at least to me) to combine PSDs as such.
Could you provide more details on what is the aim of this operation, there may be more suited method for it.

Raymundo, thank you...and yes it is strange. I will try you suggestion. The context is that I've made recordings under various contexts. For example, what is the recorded power at 1Hz when I am stimulating at 1Hz...What is the power at 2Hz when I am stimulating at 2Hz, etc.

@pdkieffaber, thanks for sharing your context. With this I can confirm that the steps described above will help you to merge those PSDs.

Yes, it worked well. Thank you!