Extracting Bad segments

Dear all,
I am trying to extract my bad segments, but i'm only able to extract them as time onsets, meaning that i can only create a list of events each of which corresponds to the starting point of each bad segments, as compared to the situation that i could extract the whole segment and import it to the same data elsewhere.
Can this be done in Brainstorm?

If you create bad segments (select or detect a time window and mark it as bad), these are defined as extended events, which have a beginning and an end.

When you import these bad segments to the database, the events are represented with the tags [ext] or [bad], the "epoch time" parameter is ignored, and all the selected block is imported to the database, event if they are of different sizes.

Can you describe better what your problem is? Maybe with a few screen captures?

Sorry for delay.
So, as you see here, we have a bad segment that exists from time-point a, to time-point b.

What I like to do is to save the whole "BAD " event, ( which would be a file including the onset of every bad segment + the length in time. ) so that another person can simply import that file in MATLAB or Brainstorm, and to see what parts of the data i have chosen as "BAD".
There are some options for saving the event, I tried all of them but none of them seems to be doing what I want. ( for example, it is possible to save Bad events as " time onsets" )

In the Record tab: select the "BAD" event group in the list and select menu File > Export selected events.
Use the file format "CSV text file: label, time, duration".

To reload the exported list of bad segments on another computer: select menu File > Add events from file (with the same file format)


Yes that is what i have been doing. the problem is that when I try to import it, it gives me this error

Meaning: CSV text file: label, time, duration
Not "Array of times"

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My problem was choosing the right format for "importing" all this time.Thank you so much! the problem is over.