Extracting ERP component mean amplitude based on individual peak latency



I wonder if you are able to help me: I want to compare ERP components between participants using mean amplitudes of a given component, so I am trying to extract mean amplitude of average waveforms (trial average) from a time window individual to each subject - I have extracted peak latencies for each subject in specific time windows, and now I would like to further extract an average of a smaller window around that peak. Is there a way of running this simultaneously for every participant, or do I have to do it manually, determining the window around the peak latency for every participant separately?

I hope my explanation wasn't too unintelligible, I'll be happy to clarify if you need to know more. Thank you in advance if you are able to advice me!


The process "Extract > Find maximum in time" allows you to find the latency and amplitude of the maximum, but there is no easy way to reuse the latency found there to extract the average of a time segment around it.

You need to do this manually, or with a script (reading for each subject the latency of the maximum, then calling the process "Average time" or "Extract values" to compute the average at this time).

Another approach could be to apply a low-pass filter before, so that the maximum amplitude you find initially already represents an average over a short time window.