Failed to download brainstorm

When I used Windows 10 and Edge browser, I got virus warnings for the binary and full versions and could not download them. The source version downloaded OK but was flagged by Sophos as having a virus.
Since I would like the binary version as well, please advise how to download it.

-Jeff Eriksen

I'm not sure what Sophos is, but you should probably disable it and then start your download.

Hi Francois,
Sorry, I was not clear. Sophos is an anti-virus software that our insititute uses. Windows Defender is the built-in anti-virus for Windows, and it prevented two of the versions from downloading. Sophos is used to detect things that Windows Defender misses.
I wish I could tell you exactly what Defender and Sophos are objecting to. I will try to find out. Can you give me some assurance that there is no way there could be any malware in these distributions?

Can you give me some assurance that there is no way there could be any malware in these distributions?

I'm not a security expert, I can't prove that the Java compiler on my computer is not infected by something that would propagate through everything it compiles. However, I think this is very unlikely.

It's the first time I hear about Defender blocking the compiled distribution of Brainstorm. It's active on my Win11 computer and it never complained.

OK, I will pass this on to our IT people. I downloaded all three distributions at home with no problem. Perhaps Sophos prevented the two downloads at work, not Defender.