Hi Brainstorm-users,
I am going to use brainstorm to perform source localization on my TMS-evoked potentials. I have individual MRI data from my subjects available and want to use an individual head model. However, I am doubting which method I should use to generate the head model (mostly between Freesurfer and SimNIBS). Does anyone maybe know the pros and cons of these different options? Also, I know that SimNIBS has the option to combine the head model with diffusion weighted MRI data so that anisotropic conductivity values can be assigned in the model. Is this also an option in Brainstorm?
Any help or previous experiences in deciding upon the head model would be highly appreciated.
Hi @DebbyKlooster
I'm unsure that FeeSurfer can construct the full head model as with the SimNibs.
As far as I know, with FreeSurfer, you can have the brain surfaces and the deep structures.
Simnibs has the "mri2mesh" process that uses FreeSurfer and other processes to generate the complete head model.
In Brainstorm, you can use either Headreco or Charm for the FEM head model generation, both process relies on SPM and CAT for the segmentation of the MRI.
Please check out these tutorials:
There is also the possibility to integrate the tensors.
check here: https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/FemTensors