Frequency bands for Granger Causality (Spectral)

Thank you for taking the time to answer my Question and the well Explanation. Then I'm hoping that
hossein can help me there out.

During my research about Connectivity on the Brainstorm Forum if found two Responses from you that are a bit Older and i have Questions about.

  • In your Answer to the Question Functional connectivity measuring you said that the Option "after" in the Function “When to apply the scout function:" is the recommended approach.

Is this still the recommended Approach?

  • In another Forum Entry Connectivity tool, you mentioned that in the Desikan-Killiany atlas, the regions are too large to be functionally homogeneous and averaging the source activity over large regions can cause that most of the interesting signals can be lost…

I totally agree with you that using in large Regions Interesting signals can be lost.
Do you have based on your Experience a guideline, what would be a good Size for Scouts? Or can you Recommand a Paper for that Issue?
