Getting error in computing noise covariance matrix

I am getting the following error can you explain the error and how can i rectify it?

Error using bst_noisecov/ReadRecordings
Number of channels is not constant.

Error in bst_noisecov (line 289)
    [DataMat, iTimeBaseline, iTimeCov] = ReadRecordings();

Error in tree_set_noisecov (line 71)
            bst_noisecov(iTargetStudies, iStudies_data, iData, [], isDataCov);

Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)tree_set_noisecov(bstNodes,'Compute',0) (line 2620)
            gui_component('MenuItem', jMenu, [], 'Compute from recordings', IconLoader.ICON_NOISECOV,

Hi @Tanmay,

Noise covariance is computed using ALL channels. Thus, this error is produced as the selected recordings have a different number of channels.

Are you trying to compute a noise covariance using recordings from different runs?
This should be done if and only if the runs use the same channel file.

  • Could you share a screen shot of the tree database in Brainstorm?
  • How was your data imported?
  • Which files you want to use to compute the noise covariance?
  • Which channels are extra (or missing) across the different channel files?

I have 63 channel file recording but not electorde position can you add 63 electrode position file?
It would be helpful

Not having the electrode positions should not produce the reported error.

Could you reply the questions from the post above?
These will provide us with more information to assist you.