GUI related error when display FEM mesh

Hi @Francois

I recently updated to the newest version of Brainstorm on one of my PC, it turned out the FEM mesh could not be displayed, is there anything changed with the GUI setting recently? Things work with older version of Brainstorm(e.g. 27th-April or 15-Mar version). In the error message below, it seems the data of the surface is not successfully retrieved so the variable is empty.

Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Error in panel_scout>UpdateMenus (line 406)
        if ~isempty(sSubject.Anatomy)

Error in panel_scout>UpdatePanel (line 369)
        UpdateMenus(sSurf.Atlas(sSurf.iAtlas), sSurf);

Error in panel_scout>SetCurrentSurface (line 1087)

Error in panel_scout>CurrentFigureChanged_Callback (line 942)

Error in panel_scout (line 62)

Error in bst_figures>SetCurrentFigure (line 1084)
                panel_scout( 'CurrentFigureChanged_Callback', oldFig, hFig);

Error in bst_figures (line 59)

Error in view_surface_matrix (line 177)
bst_figures('SetCurrentFigure', hFig, '3D');

Error in view_surface_fem (line 196)
    [tmp_, tmp_, tmp_, hPatch, hLight] = view_surface_matrix(FemMat.Vertices, Faces, SurfAlpha(iTissue), SurfColor(iTissue,:), hFig, 1,

Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)view_surface_fem(filenameRelative,[],[],[],'NewFigure') (line 1200)
                    gui_component('MenuItem', jPopup, [], 'Display', IconLoader.ICON_DISPLAY, [], @(h,ev)view_surface_fem(filenameRelative,
                    [], [], [], 'NewFigure'));

Thank you.

Indeed, I introduced this bug when adding new menus to use the new volume parcellations as volume scouts.
It should be fixed now, please update Brainstorm and try again.

Thanks for reporting