Headmodel with EEG questions

Hi @tmedani

I have attempted to extract the surface and remesh it with ISO2MESH, however, I got error Tetgen command failed. which triggered in surf2mesh.m (line 110-119 as below)

The cmd output is

cmdout =

'Opening C:\Users\Ken\.brainstorm\tmp\post_vmesh.poly.
 Delaunizing vertices...
 Delaunay seconds:  4.321
 Creating surface mesh ...
 Surface mesh seconds:  0.824
 Constrained Delaunay...
 Constrained Delaunay seconds:  4.203
 Removing exterior tetrahedra ...
 Spreading region attributes.
 Exterior tets removal seconds:  0.714
 Refining mesh...
 Error:  Out of memory.

So, it says out of memory, do you have any idea how to overcome it? thanks