Headmodel with EEG questions

Hi @tmedani

For windows, I have tried what you suggested(change index 0 to 1 in the 5th dimension of elem array). After I get the new mesh(isomesh), i tried to compute headmodel with 256 channel template position. The previous error in channel computing is not appeared but the same error is observed in the dipole localization as you can see:

solver.electrode_1.time_rhs_assembly = 0 
solver.electrode_1.linear_system_solver.iterations = 58 
solver.electrode_1.linear_system_solver.reduction = 3.1791e-011 
solver.electrode_1.linear_system_solver.conv_rate = 0.659182 
solver.electrode_1.linear_system_solver.time_solution = 36.161 
solver.electrode_1.linear_system_solver.time = 36.161 
solver.electrode_1.linear_system_solver.time = 36.2079 
solver.electrode_1.time_solution = 36.2079 
solver.electrode_1.time = 36.2079 
solver.electrode_256.time_rhs_assembly = 0 
solver.electrode_256.linear_system_solver.iterations = 49 
solver.electrode_256.linear_system_solver.reduction = 8.8898e-011 
solver.electrode_256.linear_system_solver.conv_rate = 0.623556 
solver.electrode_256.linear_system_solver.time_solution = 29.3474 
solver.electrode_256.linear_system_solver.time = 29.363 
solver.electrode_256.linear_system_solver.time = 29.3943 
solver.electrode_256.time_solution = 29.3943 
solver.electrode_256.time = 29.3943 
dipole_0.density = sparse 
dipole_0.time = 0 
dipole_1.density = sparse 
dipole_1.time = 0 
dipole_104.density = sparse 
dipole_104.time = 0 

Dune reported error: Dune::Exception [findEntityImpl:/home/juan/bst-duneuro/src/duneuro/duneuro/common/edgehopping.hh:84]: coordinate is outside of the grid, or grid is not convex 

status =

It seems that you have discussed the issue last year with duneuro team from here but the solution was not found. Do you have any idea on this?

For mac, after remove the argument tetgen1.5, the error is shown below, I thought I could do the same as you suggested, so I reordered 4 5 6 to 3 4 5. The plot color does not seem to be correct, what do you think?
Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 10.35.38 AM

Both Win10 and Mac ended with the dipole error specifically dipole 104 in headmodel computation. I tried using a different electrode template(e.g EGI 128 or 10-10 system 77), the error remains the same.