Hilbert or morlet transform muse CSV file

Dear community,

I would like to obtain hilbert or morlet transform in a Muse CSV file (4 eeg channels only). In spite of the fact of not being able to load the file direclty and saving in it in EDF with EEGLAB. I cannot seem to be able to have the option to click in hilbert option in frequency menu. Is this due to low density EEG channels?

Thanks for all the help in advance.

Make sure you import a portion of your data in the database first.

Data needs to be imported to compute TimeFreq representations.

Also, the Muse CSV file format is supported in Brainstorm:


Thanks for the clarifications. I didn't knkow about importation.

Also CSV is supported but maybe there are issues when working with certain EEG, it might be lengthy EEGs or with many artifacts.

The fact is EEGLAB can upload this file I am mentioning while in brainstorm I couldn't.

I could try to replicate the issue to report the exact error if you prefer. I think it is related to NaN issues. Because in EEGLAB it replaced 4-5 NaN with 0s if I don't recall badly.

I have tried to compare 2 morlet with process 2. But they say error array have incomaptible sizes for this operation. I know the time lenght it varies from one eeg to the other but I imported into database only the amount of time equal the first eeg. Isn't that enough? How shall I proceed? Thanks.

Make sure the sampling rates are identical in both files and same for the frequency range of the respective Morlet decompositions.

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thanks!! All solved, it was an issue with time. It said 1136secs but it was 1135,746 for one of the eeg.

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