How to compute mean wPLI weighted connectivity matrix per frequency band

Hello all,

Brainstorm has calculated the FC for all electrode pairs, resulting in thirty 2-second epochs of a 32 x 32 matrix collected from 30 seconds of continuous data. Please see the screenshot below.
How can I extract each frequency band (delta, theta, alpha, gamma)?
How can I average all thirty 2-second epochs to obtain a 32 x 32 mean wPLI weighted connectivity matrix?


Hello Joseph,

To see the different frequency bands, you can use the slider in the right toolbar while viewing the matrix.

You can extract the matrix to Matlab and then post-process it using the Connectivity matrix encoding part of the connectivity matrix tutorial (

Using this tutorial you can get a matrix of (N_elec x N_elec * epochs * freqband). Averaging over the third dimension would give you the wPLI connectivity matrix per frequency band.

Many thanks, SBeumer!
It worked.