How to export scouts/ROIS along with source results in the same file?

Dear Brainstorm Team:

First and foremost, thank you for the free software and all the tutorials you have written on its use. I really appreciate it!
I am new to the software so I'm still learning a lot about it. That being said, I apologize beforehand for any question I ask that may be already answered but I was unable to find.
I am analyzing the resting state MEG for the HCP data. I performed segmentation of the MRI data for each subject using CAT12 so I could use the atlas (anatomic and functional) that this toolbox provides on the source results I carried out. For processing the HCP data I followed your tutorial on its analysis in Brainstorm. However, during source analysis instead of using the kernel only:one per file option, I chose the Full results: one per file. This way I could have a matrix of 8004V per 6000 (1 minute time samples since I down sampled the data).
My question is: How can I also have another variable in my file that specifies for each voxel the scout/ROI it belongs to according to my atlas of choice. For instance, for my vertex #200 what ROI it belongs to according to the Shaeffer2018_100parcels_7networks. Did I explain myself properly? Does that makes sense?
I thank you for your time!
Kind Regards

Hi Indira,

Thank you for the kind words! The scout information is stored in the anatomy structures. For example, if you have computed your source analysis using a cortex head model, the list of vertices of each scout is located in your cortex file (e.g. cortex_15002V) under Atlas -> Scouts -> Vertices. Refer to the On the hard drive section of the Scout tutorial page for more information:

Note that if you're looking to extract scout time series, you can do so from the software using the Extract -> Scouts time series process on your source file.

I hope this helps!

Note that it is not necessary to save the full results if it creates files that are too big to be processed easily (which can be the case if you have many of these 8000*6000 matrices), since all the reading functions in Brainstorm can reconstruct the full source matrices on the fly.