I have analyzed MEG data and generated volumetric source estimates using the apply_inverse_epochs function in Python's MNE package, employing the dSPM method. The source estimates have already been morphed to the fsaverage standard template, resulting in volumetric .stc files (e.g., -vl.stc). I would like to import these volumetric source estimation files into Brainstorm to perform a t-test comparison between two conditions. Is this possible? Thanks!
Similar to to the surface sources. The (.stc) files only contains the source values an indices to the vertices.
So, it is necessary to have the source space files (.fif).
Bringing volume source estimates from MNE-Python to Brainstorm is possible though it is not trivial.
The general idea would be to create head model in Brainstorm using the source space file (.fif) from MNE-Python, then to create a source estimation file in Brainstorm with the data in the source file (.stc) from MNE-Python.
However, I'm not sure how are the volume source grid is defined in MNE-Python. This is to say, what are the coordinate system. Since it may not the same as in Brainstorm, it will be needed to convert from that coordinate system to MNI space, then in Brainstorm from MNI coordinates to the Brainstorm coordinate system.