How to save multiple connectivity matrices as png?

I created connectivity matrices for 100 subjects, for each 2Hz (generally researching from 1 to 40 Hz). Now I want to export all of those as images. What's the action sequence? Or maybe there should be a script?

Yes, it is possible to write a script to do that. The general idea is to use:
imgs = bst_report('Snapshot', ...)

Depending on which "image" you want to save, either the spectral representation or the connectivity matrix, the part to get the image will change.


For the spectral representation just use:
imgs = bst_report('Snapshot', 'spectrum', ConnetFiles)

For the connectivity matrix, you would need to add a nested FOR loop to do the frequency sweep:
imgs = bst_report('Snapshot', 'connectimage', ConnetFiles, [], iFreq)

In bothcases, imgs is a cell with image data, as the one obtained with Matlab imread(), so you would need to save those images with imsave()

Thank you very much! Also, as I only used only interface before, and only in other forum posts noticed that scripting is possible. Do I write this script in matlab?

Yes, it is possible, and for some task as yours it is straight forward to make them in a Matlab script.

Check this tutorial on Scripting for Brainstorm: