How to see data record from Muse Interaxon headband with Brainstorm

If you want to see data from Muse to Brainstorm please look at this movie

Thank you

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Looks good!
Attention though not to pay too much credit to source modeling obtained with only a handful of electrodes.

Still, you did a great demo of how to import Muse data into Brainstorm: thank you!

Thank you for sharing!

Hi Francois.
Brainstorm have the ability to interpret and show data recorded by Matlab in real time?
I want to record data form Museband to Matlab, and same time to see a 3d map brain of this data in Brainstorm.
Thank you


We have done some experiments with real-time computation and display, using the FieldTrip buffer for streaming data over a TCP connection. Examples:

Nothing will work out-of-the-box, you would have to write your own real-time loop, find a way to collect the recordings, apply an imaging kernel on them and display the results. For the last two steps, you can find help on the website and the forum, but you’d have to write most of the code for the first two.


Thank you very much for response and instructions.

Thousands of Muse and low cost brain devices user’s are from research/ university zone and a lot of thousands are independent researchers. For many of us to see brain wave data in real time, will be a huge and a very important step to the future. Of course this step, will boost the number of users who will chose Brainstorm for their research.
Maybe Brainstorm will develop horizontal improvement by adapting his software to devices from low cost area. I think this is an unexplored area from were you can get a lot of users, expertise’s and experiences. The people around the world want to know and to see how brain is working in different situation in real time with low and confortable divices.

At this moment it seems you already have made important steps in creating of this kind of conections between device and Brainstorm.
In future I will follow your improvments on Brainstorm software and I hope to see soon developments in this area.

We would be happy to help you using Brainstorm with your low cost headsets. However, I don’t think we can do much beyond adding the support for new file formats. Let us know if you have files that you would like to read in Brainstorm that are currently not supported. Note that we cannot write code for undocumented proprietary formats: we would need to have either Matlab code or libraries for reading the format.
Best wishes

can you send me the file: 4canale.set please?
at this email>

Thanks for your video, I want to know if you could send me the 4canale.set file to

Best regards


Thank you for the video. Can you send me the 4canale.set file at

Hello, I update my previous video since the Brainstorm developers improve the way to use Muse Interaxon data.
Thank you developers and Mr. Francois
The pourpuse of video is to show to regular users ( people with lower IT knowledge) the easy way to install applications, import data and view information.
The video is here:

Thank you for preparing this video, I hope it will help Muse users to get their data into Brainstorm.

Please note that the source estimation methods you introduced are designed for high-density research EEG caps with electrodes covering the entire head. In your example, the spatial sampling of the scalp potentials is so sparse, there is barely any overlap between the brain signals captured by each of the electrodes, it is not very useful to apply any advanced inverse model.
Processing recordings with Muse headsets should rather focus on extracting features from the EEG signals (eg. computing power in different frequency bands) rather than trying to map this activity on the head.