Import Channel File


Every time I try to import channel file - it never loads, and this box appears. If I exit, it basically crashes the program. Thoughts? I have restarted several times, and have tried different channel files. I have most up to date software.



Please check your MATLAB command window (or the command prompt) to see what error Brainstorm is throwing, and copy paste it here. I see you’re trying to import an SFP file. Make sure you select the right File type from the dropdown when importing the file (in this case, most likely EEG: EGI (*.sfp)).


I have the same problem about loading SEEG location file and I have this error message :

Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar
Error in import_channel (line 348)
if isfield(sMri, 'InitTransf') && ~isempty(sMri.InitTransf) &&
ismember(sMri.InitTransf(:,1), 'vox2ras')
Error in channel_add_loc (line 53)
[LocChannelMat, ChannelFile, FileFormat] = import_channel(iStudies, , ,
0, 0, 0, isFixUnits, isApplyVox2ras);
Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)channel_add_loc(iAllStudies,,1) (line 2477)
gui_component('MenuItem', jMenu, , 'Import from file',
IconLoader.ICON_CHANNEL, , @(h,ev)channel_add_loc(iAllStudies, ,1));

Thanks !

I fixed the line that was causing the error.
Please update Brainstorm and try again (menu Update > Update Brainstorm).

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It works! Thanks a lot François for your help!