Import in database option for fnirs data

Hello everyone,
I'm analyzing fnirs data from a tdcs-nirs protocol. I have an issue for the option "Import in database". I use that option to cut an epoch, but the function does not work if the epoch is after a removed time. Specifically, we record before and during online tdcs: there is a moment in the montage of tdcs that compromise the quality signal of fnirs, and we have to re-adjust the montage of nirs. This is the time period that i want to reject, but then i can't cut the epoch just after in the time-series. I read something about different sampling rate recordings between software and hardware, but i checked for that and nothing weird.

Let me know if it is possible to solve this issue, otherwise i will turn off the nirs in that montage period of time.

Thank you for the attention


Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 25542).

Error in in_fread (line 217)
        F = sFile.header.F(iChannels, iTimes);

Error in in_data (line 327)
        [F, TimeVector,DisplayUnits] = in_fread(sFile, ChannelMat, BlocksToRead(iFile).iEpoch, BlocksToRead(iFile).iTimes, [ ],

Error in import_data (line 172)
        [ImportedDataMat, ChannelMat, nChannels, nTime, ImportOptions] = in_data(sFile, ChannelMat, FileFormat, ImportOptions,

Error in import_raw_to_db (line 51)
[NewFiles, iStudyImport] = import_data(sFile, ChannelMat, sFile.format, [], iSubject, [], sStudy.DateOfStudy);

Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)import_raw_to_db(filenameRelative) (line 1410)
                        gui_component('MenuItem', jPopup, [], 'Import in database', IconLoader.ICON_EEG_NEW, [],
  • If I understand well, you are using Import to dataset on data that is already imported, right?

  • What are the time limits, sampling frequency and number of samples of the imported data?
    Plot the time series, ans this information will be showed on the top right are on the main Brainstorm window.

  • What are the options that you are using in the in the Import to database window?

What do you mean in here by "removed" time?

Why don't you label this is segment as BAD, the it will be ignored for further processing?

So i'm answering point to point.

  • Data are already imported and preprocessed on brainstorm, i use import to database just to cut epochs of my experimental blocks (for example i want to cut 90 second of "reading text");
  • The time limits are something like 5000 seconds with a sampling rate of 10Hz;
  • I want to import to database using events selection;
  • "removed time" mean a time period classified as bad, infact for your last question I start removing time segments as bad from raw file, and then i pre-process data, and then i want my blocks but i can't cut epochs immediately after the bad segments (for example i label as bad from 1200sec to 1500sec, i will not able to cut all the events after the 1500 sec even if my recording is of 4-5000 sec.

Hi @Gscozia, please provide detailed information, otherwise, it is hard to pinpoint the issue from our side, we only know what you write.

What are the time limits, sampling frequency and number of samples of the imported data?

Share the data as it appears in the GUI.

What are the options that you are using in the in the Import to database window?

Provide the screenshot for the Import to database window

Hello @Raymundo.Cassani. I am sorry for the late reply. No problem, I am attaching all the screenshot requestedx

This first image refers to the whole recording pre-processed, i think that here you can check the time limits, sampling rate and number of samples of my recording.

Then the second image refers to the import database option; we got two read text block, one before and one after the removed time period, but the function does not work because of the block after the bad period.

Here the second image

Again i am sorry for the late reply. Let me know if you need more information.

Thanks a lot.

Best wishes,

what do you mean with this?

In the shared screenshot of the database, there are the files read text start (#1) and read text start (#2). Are not these two files the the imported segments?

I cannot import in database the epoch of read text start (#2). I think is for the bad segments, because this error occurs everytime i want to cut an epoch that stands after the bad segment in the timeseries.