I wanted to script automatical import of my MRI data, which is in the .mgz format, and when I do it manually I see the pop-up window asking me if I want to "Apply the standard transformation Freesurfer -> Brainstrom" and I want to say "NO", but when I try to generate a script from the import_mri process I don't see that it is an option. Is there a way to script this?
Hi Julie, when the .mgz
is imported with a script using import_mri.m
it applies the "Apply the standard transformation Freesurfer -> Brainstrom", the option to opt out is only presented for the interactive case.
A walkaround this limitation is to read the .mgz
file without the transformations, save it in a new file, and import the new file:
% MRI files
mriMgzFile = 'T1.mgz'; % Original MGZ file
mriBstFile = 'subjectimage_T1.mat'; % Temporary Brainstorm MRI file to be created
% Read MGZ without transformations
isApplyBst = 0;
isApplyVox2ras = 0;
[sMri, vox2ras, tReorient] = in_mri_mgh(mriFile, isApplyBst, isApplyVox2ras);
% - MriFile : full path to a MRI file, WITH EXTENSION
% - isApplyBst : If 1, apply best orientation found to match Brainstorm convention
% considering that the volume is aligned as the standard T1.mgz in the
% FreeSurfer output folder.
% - isApplyVox2ras : Apply additional transformation to the volume
% Save as MRI as Brainstorm MRI file
out_mri_bst(sMri, mriBstFile);
% Process: Import MRI
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_import_mri', [], [], ...
'subjectname', 'NewSubject', ...
'mrifile', {mriBstFile, 'BST'}, ...
'nas', [0, 0, 0], ...
'lpa', [0, 0, 0], ...
'rpa', [0, 0, 0], ...
'ac', [0, 0, 0], ...
'pc', [0, 0, 0], ...
'ih', [0, 0, 0]);
Great! thanks a lot Raymundo!!