Import raw data in matlab

i wanted to ask you that, when i creating protocol and then i review my raw file and then editting the electrode position then i preprocess my raw file like bandpassfiltering, nad then i export my filtered eeg data to matlab, and i expect to have matrix with dimention for example [32* 250], but when i open the structure in matlab i just have below window :
why i dont have the parameter which related to my data with dimention: [nchannel,time] ?
how can i access this parameter and save it in my matlab?
for example now i have eeg data with the format 'set', i make a protocol for it in brainstrom, but when i export it to my matlab...

Hi @haniehsotudeh,

The node iconRawData you are exporting to Matlab is a Link to raw file. It contains all the relevant metadata, but not the recordings, as these are not copied to the Brainstorm database.

Detailed information about "Link to raw file" nodes and their structure is found here:

These topics are addressed on the introduction tutorials. We recommend you start by reading the introductions tutorials (section "Get started"), using the example dataset, in order to learn how to use the software
