Importing data from EmotivPro and getting theta current density values for two ROIs

Hi, I am a high schooler a little over his head with a school project I'm undertaking in my science research class. I am using an EEG to see if antidepressant-response biomarkers in adults are the same in adolescents. I read a study that explored the rostral anterior cingulate cortex and the medial orbitofrontal cortex that determined that higher theta current density correlated with better response.

I am running my study on students with self-reported high and low responses to antidepressants. I understand how to use the device, but I have spent months figuring out how to do my data analysis. I tried to figure out Loreta and EEGLAB and am struggling. I discovered Brainstorm and think I can use the power spectrum density feature under frequency to get my data.

That still leaves me with a couple of questions. First, how do I appropriately import my data into brainstorming, create regions of interest, and export my findings after calculating the theta density? I am running out of options and anything you can provide, including videos or articles is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Thanks for reaching out. If you follow the Brainstorm tutorials provided online, you will get the answers to your questions. If you run into difficulties, then post specific issues here.
Good luck!