Importing .eeg file and .ptn label conversion


I am trying to import a .eeg file of size 1,645,848KB and receive the error:

Line 33: in_fopen_brainamp (line 33)
could not open VHDR header file.

Call stack:

in_fopen_brainamp.m at 33
in_fopen.m at 88
in_data.m at 101
import_data.m at 200
bst_call.m at 28
tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@import_data,,,,iStudy,Isubject) at 598

Our data source also sent a number of .ptn files which are the labels they gave to the eeg data. Is there a way to convert these to a format brainstorm will register?

Thank you!


Your files are probably Nihon Kohden files, not BrainVision files.
Select “EEG: Nihon Kohden” in the list of available file formats when you link your recordings to the database (menu “Review raw file”)


That did it. Thank you! @Francois