Importing MEG/EEG: Epochs question

If they are in Brainstorm folder, they is not need to import them again.
What's the reason you want to (re-)import them?

This is possible as described in the previous post.

  1. Drag-and-drop the folders containing the epochs to the Process1 tab
  2. Select the Sources button(iconResultList), the legend Files to process will indicate how many source (result) files are found in all the folders
  3. Select the process Frequency > Hilbert transform
  4. Before running the process, click on the Edit.. button of the Hilbert transform options to:
    a. Define Time and Frequency options
    b. Optimize storage (Select Yes if the option is available)
    c. Select the desired measure (The only option is None if Optimize storage option is Yes)
    d. Verify that the Output will be the Individual Hilber maps (for each trial) (The only option is Save individual if Optimize storage option is Yes)