Inter regional PAC analysis

I really appreciate this program for analyzing mouse electrode (Frontal E1 and Parietal E2)

Good interface with powerful function makes me observe PAC in each of E1 and E2.

Unfortunately, there is inter regional PAC only about tPAC.

So, can i get some clue for analyze the PAC between phase-frontal E1 and amplitude-parietal E2?

I am lookforward to get some information. thank you.

Thank you for the appreciation.

At this time, only local PAC measures are available. We are presently investigating how to derive meaningful measurements of inter-regional interactions based on PAC. We’ll make them available once they are validated and published.

Best wishes,

Thank you sylvain. i’ll wait until your group publish validated data :slight_smile:

Greetings BST Team,

Just was wondering if there was any update/new suggestions regarding PAC between two distinct regions?

Thank you,

Thanks for checking in.
We have published a couple of studies where we used inter-regional PAC. The code however is based on Brainstorm’s basic libraries, and the corresponding processes are not part of the distribution yet, due to limited resources for code deployment with respect to other priorities.
I hope you’ll still find the papers meaningful: if you are comfortable with Matlab, you should be able to implement the same approaches with in-house code, once you extracted the source time series with Brainstorm! (This one has a note recent version is in press in journal)

Thank you Dr. Baillet!

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