Interpolate or remove bad channels before EEG source reconstruction

Dear BST Masters,

I have an EEG dataset with some bad channels (on average, 4-5 out of 64 per subject), already preprocessed in EEGLAB with the bad channels interpolated and then average-referenced. I imported it into BST for source reconstruction.

My key question: Is it correct to do source reconstruction on such data or should I mark the bad channels as bad in BST before doing it (as I guess interpolation at the scalp level may add noise in the source reconstruction)?

In the latter case, as average-reference was computed including the interpolated channels, should I import the data before average-reference and then average-reference in BST after marking the bad channels (though I understand that this last step is irrelevant for source reconstruction)?




Dear all,

While waiting for a response, I reasoned that the most probable correct answer is: Yes, I should remove the bad channels instead of interpolating them before doing source reconstruction.

Now my question is: how should I do that? Should I

  1. mark the bad channels on each single recording, including resting state, and then do source reconstruction?
  2. Or should I remove the channels from the electrode channel file?

In case 1), if I already did source reconstruction with all the channels, is it sufficient to mark the channels as bad in the recordings to automatically have the corrected source reconstruction or should I run the head model and source reconstruction again?




That's right, the interpolated channels will not provide additional information to the source estimation.

You would need to run the source estimation again, the head model is still valid.

@tmedani, you may want to take a look to this post

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Thank you for your reply Raymundo, this is clear now.

