Is it possible to change the column x row in brainstorm before export data

Hi all,

Is it possible to change the column x row in brainstorm into row x column before exporting it as excel file?

For example, my data when export into excel is time (column) by EEG channels (row), is it possible to change it in the other way? This is because the time (in milliseconds) exceeds the column in excel file so I want to know if we can change it the other way. Thank you so much!

I added a few more export formats in this commit: IO: Added export to TSV, with optional transposition for CSV/TSV/Excel · brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3@1463519 · GitHub

Update Brainstorm and you'll be able to export transposed Excel files, and also TSV files.


Wow, I've tried and it works, thanks so much Francois!