Issue importing SPM files


I have 5 different MEG datasets, each one from different centers. I have transformed all the RAW files to SPM format to preprocess it.

With the SPM data coming from some devices (4D Neuroimaging) the files are imported properly; however, for the SPM data coming from other systems (CTF), the sensor layout is displayed extremely large compared with the anatomy (I use the default template head model for all files).

Any solution to this?

PS: My issue seems similar to this: Importing MEG data preprocessed with SPM

Thank you in advance!

Would it be possible for your to share an example of the:

  • The original CTF raw file
  • The same raw file converted to SPM
  • The steps taken to convert the raw to SPM

As in the other post, do you see the same issue when reviewing the raw CTF data directly in Brainstorm?

Thank you for your quick answer. I have uploaded the required files here:
Brainstorm Example

The SPM code I used is quite simple:

    % Import and export to SPM
    S = [];
    S.dataset = [files(ii).folder, '/', files(ii).name];
    S.outfile = [destination, subject_name];
    S.channels = 'all';
    S.timewin = [];
    S.checkboundary = 1;
    S.eventpadding = 0;
    S.saveorigheader = 1;
    S.conditionlabels = {'Undefined'};
    S.inputformat = [];
    S.mode = 'continuous';
    D = spm_eeg_convert(S);

And, yes, if I import the original CTF file (.ds) I get a proper channel layout, aligned in size with the head anatomy.
