Lausanne2008 parcellation


I hope everyone is having a great week :slight_smile:

Context: For one project, I need to compute the Lausanne2008 atlas. I have tried following useful tutorials posted before. For example:
1 - Add Lausanne2008 parcellation support for FreeSurfer anatomy import
2 - Cortical Parcellations


  1. When I try using easy_lausanne, which I understand Brainstorm uses, I encounter several issues due to the old Python version (<2.7) and required dependendencies.
  2. Perhaps I am unaware but I do not see the option to add the Lausanne atlas from Brainstorm

Question: Do you have the Lausanne2008.annot file available somewhere in Brainstorm? Or how would you recommend me to compute the parcellation?

Thank you so much!

No, the Lausanne2008.annot file is not part of Brainstorm. Brainstorm will import it if it is available in the FreeSurfer folder that is obtained when segmenting the MRI. This means you have to compute the parcellation before importing the Anatomy

For easy_lausanne you may want to try a more updated form, which was updated to work with Python 3.9 in 2023:
Commits ยท cmpetty/easy_lausanne ยท GitHub

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