Load the group analysis anatomy and update the BST

Hi BST Team,

I have a problem when I load the cortex file in the group analysis list, and yesterday it works fine. I don't know what's the problem. It reported the error below.

I also try to update the BST, but when it downloaded the new version, matlab reported errors again(below)

Thanks in advance!


The version of MATLAB is R2016b and the version of BST is Nov 20



I’m not sure what you mean with “load the cortex file in the group analysis list”. I guess you’re doing something you’re not supposed to.
Can you describe better what you are doing and why?
Please add screen captures of the database explorer showing files of interest (anatomy and source results).


Hi! Francois

Thanks for replying. It seems I delete some anatomy files of that protocol. I reload the default anatomy, than It works fine.

Best Regards