Location of the EcoG grid

Hi Francois,
I use a matlab 2012b….
I click in the Anatomy on the CT and choose Implantation -> defining the first contact of the Grid in the MRI viewer -> click on the “+” -> adding electrode “test” -> click on ECOG -> chose a defined 8x4 Grid (now with “8 4”, 10mm spacing and a diameter of 4mm) -> click on #1 -> choose the second Grid point (below the 1) -> click on #2 -> define the 3 point, click on #3 -> chose the 4th point opposite to the 2nd and click on #4

Now I get an error “line 1890 error('No inner skull or scalp surface for this subject.'”
In the workspace I have the variables ChanLoc (32x3), SurfaceType ‘ECOG’ and sSubject

I don’t have a surface file loaded in brainstorm. Is this necessary? I just load MRI and a CT as I'm only interested in the MNI coordinates (at the moment) and perform the further processing directly in matlab.

After setting the “8 4” options properly for 32 electrodes I don’t get the error I described first.

I send you a Mail regarding the last part of the post.

Thanks and best, Johannes