Location of the EcoG grid

Hi François,

thank you for the fast reply. I'd be happy to contribute to a tutorial! Did you get my mail?

If I perform the 2nd option and compute the surface I get the following error:
** Error: Line 2174: ./
** Matrix dimensions must agree.
** Call stack:
** >panel_ieeg.m>AlignContacts at 2174
** >panel_ieeg.m>SetElectrodeLoc at 2330
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >panel_ieeg.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@SetElectrodeLoc,4,ev.getSource()) at 165

if I perform the 1. option the Grid looks like the screenshot. Maybe I didn't got the order of the corners correct. The upper left Grid point is electrode 1 (#1) the upper right electrode 8 (#3) the lower left electrode 25 (#2) and the lower right electrode 32 (#4).



Best, Johannes