Location of the EcoG grid

First: If I switch in the iEEG panel from sEEG to ECOG I still see all the sEEG Standard electrodes and the set skull entry option etc.If I add a new electrode under the ECOG Option I can start setting the first electrode of the Grid.

Fixed: Bug fixes: Various GUI issues in iEEG panel for ECoG · brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3@e550924 · GitHub
Menu Update > Update Brainstorm, and try again.

Second: In the moment I'd like to add the second point (at the second corner) I get an error (Line 2039: ./ Matrix dimensions must agree ...)

This issue, I don't manage to reproduce. After updating Brainstorm, if you still get the same error, please post an exact sequence of operations that leads to this error, together with the full error message (including the stack trace).

Thanks for helping us debugging the ECOG part of this iEEG panel.