Matlab Code of projection of Simulated Signal on the Surface

If you are going that deep in the code, the best is that you explore the code yourself.
Two useful tools in Matlab you may need for this task:

  • The debugger: put a breakpoint by clicking in the margin next to the line number, run the execution by manipulating the Brainstorm interface, then when the debugger stops, explore the variables and follow the execution of the code line by line. You can find tutorials and videos explaining how the debugger works.
  • The button "Find files" in the "Home" tab: go to the brainstorm3 folder, check the option "Include subfolders", and search for ".DataThreshold" to check all the places in the code that use this field - this is how you will find how it effectively used for updating the display (in function "ThresholdSurfaceData" in figure_3d for instance)


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