I want to extract individual bands from relative source power. The file contains a TF matrix with 6 bands TF(S, 1, 6)
I tried to extract the bands (first frequency band in this example) by using a matlab script in the pipeline editor as follows:
TF2 = Data('TF');
clear Data('TF');
Data('TF') = TF2(:, :, 1);
clear TF2;
But the file still contains all 6 dimensions. Any idea what could be wrong or are there others methods to extract individual bands from this file type?
The variable Data, as available in the process Run Matlab command is directly a 3D matrix [Nchannels x Ntime x Nfreq]. The syntax Data('TF') is incorrect.
You can't use this process to remove dimensions anyway, as you would need to edit the fields Freqs and TFmask as well.
The simplest option would be for you to compute the PSD file directly for the frequency band you need only, instead of these 6 frequency bands...
If you really want to compute the 6 frequency bands and then make a copy of the PSD file with only a subset of the data: use the process Extract > Extract values and enter the frequency values you want to keep (e.g. 2-4Hz would extract the Delta band).