MRI children templates - CAT12 segmentation

Hi everyone,

I'm working on children/adolescents (7-15 yo) high-density EEG data (EGI 256), but I do not have individual MRI scans, therefore I am using the templates by John Richards (, one different template every 6 months) as "individual MRI surrogates".

I tried a segmentation via CAT12 as it is fully interfaced with brainstorm. Is there an easy way to point to the TPM_11.5 template I found in the cat12 template_volumes folder?

Should I also change the standard template for group analysis? If yes, do you have any suggestion regarding where to find a proper template ?

Thank you,


Is there an easy way to point to the TPM_11.5 template I found in the cat12 template_volumes folder?

What do you mean by "point to"?

Should I also change the standard template for group analysis? If yes, do you have any suggestion regarding where to find a proper template ?

If the CAT12 segmentation works correctly on all the age-matched templates for each subject, you don't need to change the anatomy template in the folder "Default anatomy".
What matters is that sources are estimated on a "realistic" template (head size that matches the age range) for each subject, then it doesn't matter much on which template you project all the individual results for group analysis, since they are all co-registered using the same procedure (FreeSurfer/CAT12 registered spheres)

Thank you very much for your reply.

By "point to", I mean that I guess by default Brainstorm uses the classic TPM (for adults).

  • question 1: where is the TPM used by Brainstom located?
    I found one in the .brainstorm folder, one in the spm folder and one in the cat12 folder, I am not sure whether Brainstom imports its one from cat12/spm or not.
  1. I can replace the adult TPM with the children TPM in the proper folder (see question 1), but I am wandering: is there a smarter way to say: "Hey, Brainstom, please, pick the children TPM instead of the adult TPM?"

The file in $HOME/.brainstorm/defaults/spm/TPM.nii is used for two things:

@CGaser Do you think we should add an option to let users select a custom TPM.nii file in the CAT12 process options? (And if not specified, it would use the one in the .brainstorm folder)

Dear Francois,

adding an option for selecting the TPM would be useful if you have children data, where the default (adult) TPM does not fit very well.



I added an option to use a different TPM atlas if needed:
CAT12: Updated version 12.7 + additional options · brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3@1d91b3e · GitHub
Please update Brainstorm and try again.

The other new options are documented here:


Perfect, thank you very much!
