Hi Rasmita, although I cannot answer your questions directly I can direct you to some previous forums that were discussing something similar which are as follows; not sure how useful these would be for you though.
Hello there Brainstorm team, (sorry for the long post in advance)
For the past few days, I've been trying to generate a multitaper spectrogram (in the context of sleep EEG) using the method provided by Prerau et al. (2017) . The authors of the article have thankfully shared the MATLAB code online that can generate their multitaper spectrogram .
I was able to successfully generate the below multitaper spectrogram (Fpz channel) using the codes provided by the authors. The spectrogram shows a parti…
Dear Francois,
I think this could be a very easy question but I still have some doubts.
I have performed Morlet wavelet ( Time definition = -2 sec to 2 sec; Frequency definition = 1:1:60 (Linear); Central frequency = 1Hz; Time resolution = 3s; Measure = Magnitude; Output = Save individual time-frequency maps -for each trial-) time frequency analysis by trials on my dataset using Brainstorm. We have already obtained statistically significant time-frequency results in gamma bands running FT t-te…
hi Francois,
I'm replicating some results from a previous analysis in Fieldtrip in Brainstorm,
I did a multitaper time-frequency analysis and I have some doubts about the settings in Brainstorm,
I previously computed power in Fieldtrip by setting:
cfg.foi = 30:2.5:120; as frequencies of interest
cfg.toi = -1.05:0.05:2; as times of interest
cfg.t_ftimwin = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).* 0.4; as fixed time windows of 400 ms
cfg.tapsmofrq = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).* 20; 20 Hz as fixed frequency s…
Dear Brainstormers,
I would like to perform a multitaper time-frequency decomposition as allowed by very recents updates in brainstorm. This involve the ft_mtmconvol function from fieldtrip but I encounteer some difficulties in setting the analysis parameters directly through the bstm interface.
The ft_mtmconvol fieldtrip function need 4 inputs - i.e. the frequencies of interest, the time-interval of interest, the length of the sliding time-window in seconds and the width of frequency smoothin…
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