Need to update NPMK toolbox

Last several week, Blackrock update their code for solving timestamp alignment and zero pad for NSx. They make nonzero pad as default. This change is imported, because zero pad can influence the memory usage during importing and sometime may cause error.

Here is their intro about this update:

Thanks @zhangjb39 for the heads-up.

We have updated Brainstorm to use the master branch in NPMK for the Blackrock plugin.

In the past it used the code NPMK Releases, however, it has been more than 2 years releases have not been published, but bugfixes have been addressed in master.

To have the latest NPMK toolbox in Brainstorm:

  • Update Brainstorm: Update > Update Brainstorm
  • Update the Blackrock plugin: Plugins > I/O > blackrock > Update (github-master)


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