One click in bst

This is terribly confusing, I don't know where we are anymore.
Could we start again from a simple starting point?

  • Upload somewhere a clean anatomy for only one of you age templates (or tell me where to download it from), in whatever file formats you are primarily using to distribute it. Something stable, reliable, published.
  • Describe precisely what needs to be done on it in Matlab/Brainstorm and exactly how you'd call you conversion code (import_template_to_brainstorm.m?)
  • Describe what you expect to obtain and what you obtain instead

Subsequent steps:

  • I'll take it from there and debug it to make it work on one single age range (and probably ask you more details about the contents of the template)
  • I'll send you back the modified import function
  • You'll re-run it on all the age ranges
  • You'll generate the Brainstorm anatomy templates (right-click on subject > Use template > Create new template)
  • You'll upload all the updated .zip file somewhere
  • I'll upload them to the Brainstorm webserver and update the online documentation and forum posts.

Does that sound like a reasonable approach?