OpenMEEG error #-1073740791

Of course you do: Running CAT12 deletes all the files in the folder.
Then you re-import or re-compute everything.
Nothing is left of the original template, but the MRI volume.

Running the computation of the BEM surfaces for the MNI template is indeed not recommended, as the MRI is cut too high, there is not a full head in this volume.

What you could try:

  1. First, restore the original template: right-click on Default anatomy > Use template > MNI > ICBM152.
  2. Create a new subject ICBM152_cat12, with "Default anatomy: NO".
  3. Right-click on ICBM152_cat12 > Use template > MNI > ICBM152
  4. Right-click on ICBM152_cat12 > MRI segmentation > CAT12
  5. At the end, copy the volume atlases or the cortex surface (for surface atlases) fromICBM152_cat12 to the Default anatomy folder.

In the future: do not delete the existing files of the ICBM152 template, this would bring all sorts of issues.

Thank you Francois for the clarification.

I will try what you proposed shortly.

After following these steps, would I then not run the BEM surfaces and go straight to computing the head model?


Use the BEM surfaces from the template.

Having a more streamlined way of debugging OpenMEEG errors would still be a plus.

Hi Francois,

I followed your instructions, and accordingly computed the head model with the BEM surfaces from the template. I have also just simply tried to compute the head model on the default anatomy, without any further changes.

However, I am still running into openMEEG errors.

** Error: OpenMEEG call: om_gain -EEG
** "C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_hminv.mat"
** "C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_dsm.mat"
** "C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_h2em.mat"
** "C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_gain_eeg.mat"
** OpenMEEG error #-1073740791:
** om_gain version 2.4.1 compiled at Aug 22 2018 19:47:41 using OpenMP
** Executing using 1 threads.
** | ------ om_gain
** | -EEG
** | C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_hminv.mat
** | C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_dsm.mat
** | C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_h2em.mat
** | C:\Users\psdhami.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_gain_eeg.mat
** | -----------------------
** Using variable with name: matrix
** For help with OpenMEEG errors, please refer to the online tutorial:

Copying and pasting the openMEEG head model .mat file created from my personal Mac to the default anatomy folder on my virtual machine technically allows me to compute the sources. Would this be okay? Or do you see issues with this approach.


These meshes are not intersecting...
Is this is completely an OpenMEEG bug then?
That would explain a lot of the error reports we have on the forum...

Hi Francois,

Is this work around okay or would you suggest not to do it?

Copying and pasting the openMEEG head model .mat file created from my personal Mac to the default anatomy folder on my virtual machine technically allows me to compute the sources. Would this be okay? Or do you see issues with this approach.


It is OK to do so, but only if you use the original BEM surfaces, not the ones you recomputed from the truncated head surface after processing the MRI with CAT.