Parametric t-test : Independant, cannot select rows for connectivity [NxN] result

I encounter for a few days now an error in BS while trying to run independant parametric tests on PLV matrices.
Capture d’écran 2024-09-19 182001

Seems that the first file cannot be read. PLV files can be displayed , are not empty, and can be exported .

We tried to run the same test on the same data, same BS version ( 3.240918 from 18/09/2024) on another computer and it worked. I installed the MATLAB version (R2020b), but the issue persists.

Thank you for your help.

The issue seems to be that you are specifying Signal names or indices to compute the test.
This is not possible with NxN connectivity matrices, as each element of the adjacent matrix is identified with two channel names (e.g. A×B).

Is this your case?

Please share the parameters (screenshot of the process GUI) used compute the PLV matrices, as well as the parameters for the t-test

Thank you very much,
The problem was in t-test process I didn't let the signals names or indices empty.

Have a good day.