Plot mean and standard deviation for scouts time series

Is it possible to plot scouts time series with mean and std, please? and when several scout time series are overlaid?

Hi Emmanuelle,
Are you referring to 1) the std across the vertices of the scout, or 2) the std already estimated from an ERP?

  1. You can compute the std across the scout's vertices with the process Extract>Scout time series, but you'd be able to display it as a signal only, not as a halo around the mean value (like it is possible when computing ERPs with the Avg+Std or Avg+StdErr option).
  2. Averaging the Std or StdErr values computed for an ERP across vertices is not a valid operation. But you can achieve something similar by: a) computing the scouts time series for each trial (select all the trials in Process1, run Extract>Scout time series without selecting the option "Concatenate output"), then b) running the process Average > Average files on these extract scouts time series, with the option Avg+Std or Avg+StdErr.

Does it help?

you make me doubt.
That's our script:

    % Process: Select scout of all participants for this trigger 
    sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_matrix', sFiles, [], ...
        'subjectname',   'All', ...
        'condition',     Trigger, ...
        'tag',           Scoutname{s}, ...
        'includebad',    0, ...
        'includeintra',  0, ...
        'includecommon', 0);
    % Process: Arithmetic average across participants
    sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_average', sFiles, [], ...
        'avgtype',    1, ...  % Everything
        'avg_func',   7, ...  % Arithmetic average:  mean(x) +  stderr
        'weighted',   0, ...
        'keepevents', 0);

Is it right? Is it your 2ab?

If the standard deviation you want isthe std across subjects, yes, I guess this is correct.
Displaying the output file should show the stderr halo around the mean, right?