Post-doc position available immediately at the Medical College of Wisconsin

A post-doctoral position is available immediately with the Department of Neurology at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA, for work on a project to systematically compare methods for mapping brain networks that support language functions using an existing MEG dataset. Prior experience in signal processing and functional imaging using MEG data is required, along with computational skills in MATLAB or Python and experience in developing pipelines for batch-processing large multi-subject datasets. Experience with software packages such as Brainstorm, Freesurfer, FieldTrip, and SPM is highly desirable. There will be ample opportunity to collaborate on related MEG projects using large existing datasets from both healthy subjects as well as patients with epilepsy. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Manoj Raghavan, Director of the MEG laboratory, and Dr. Jeffrey Binder, Director of the Language Imaging Laboratory, at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

The posting is here:

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