Problem importing events

Hi all,
I am getting an error when I try to import mne neuromag *eve type event files. The error is attached - complaining of a 'cell' argument type. I'm also attaching two mne created event files (test.eve using cli, and test2.eve using mne python).

test.eve (1.3 KB)
test2.eve (11.1 KB)

What does the function expect the event file format to be?

I downloaded the newest version of brainstorm yesterday, and I'm using Matlab R2018a.

Thanks for any help
Megan Schendel

Hi Megan,

The error is related with Matlab, not with Brainstorm. I tested on two systems and could read your .eve files without any problem.
Try running in your Matlab command window the function (after going to the folder where your eve file is): dlmread(test.eve')
If it doesn't work, there is nothing we can help you with. Try reinstalling Matlab, or contact the Matlab support / open a bug report on the Mathworks website.


Hi François,
Thank you for your help! I'll see if I can get help from Matlab...