I'm new to brainstorm. I have used it successfully, to analyze human EEG data from NeuroScan system.
I am trying to analyze ECoG data from animals, and trying to link an old 32 bit Spike2 raw data file (type .smr). I get a num2str error message, while trying to review the raw file.
I'm using MATLAB 2020b. The latest brainstorm update (Feb 8th, 2020), as of date of post.
Any idea what problem I am running into?
This is a bug in the file reader.
Do you have a small example .smr file you could share for debugging?
(upload it somewhere and post the download link there)
Hi Francois,
Sorry for the delay. Thanks so much for reaching out! Below is a google drive link to a data file.
Thanks again for your help!
Can you please open the rights for the download link?
Sure, Francois. Sorry, about that. Should be all good now.
Thanks again,
Thanks for the example file.
Bug fixed, update Brainstorm to get the update (menu Update > Update Brainstorm).
Thank you, Francois! It works well now.