Problem reviewing old NeurOne data session folders

Dear Francois,

At least June 2020 version of the Brainstorm is assuming that the NeurOne session folder includes Session.xml and Protocol.xml files. However, those old recording sessions with old NeuOne recording software version do not contain these .xml files at all.

The old Brainstorm versions open these old recording sessions fine. Is there some important information in those session.xml and protocol.xml files? Can I just add empty session.xml and protocol.xml files to old session folders? Or do you need to modify code in in_fopen_neurone.m?

Error message was following (sorry about the image quality):

Hi Francois,

I think the problem is solved. There had been some error while copying folders to external hard drive. Also old recordings contain these xml files. Sorry, that I didn't noticed this before.

Kind regards,