I am honestly at a loss here. So basically, when I compute head models on my EEG data by right clicking the channel file or folder, it works just fine. But if I drag that folder into the process box, it gives the error:
[process_headmodel] Sources > Compute head model
Nothing to process...
I have simultaneous MEG and EEG data (not combined) and the MEG computes fine by right-click or by dragging into process box. I have the MEG and EEG in separate participant folders, but the anatomy is the same between them. I just imported these EEG events today, so I'm not sure if something changed or what.
Please let me know if you have an idea of what's going on. I can, of course, supply sample data if needed.
Thank you!!
- Kathryn King
Neurosciences Research Center, Cook Children's Medical Center