PSD file export and importing it back into protocol

Dear Brainstorm community,
I wish to seek an understanding of the process of exporting/importing PSD files.

Say I wanted to export-import the following PSD file (marked in red) from a protocol to a different protocol.

Do do this one would need to export the corresonding PSD file in the way below.
You first click on the export to file option and specify the file format as also shown below.

However when I tried importing this "timefreq".mat file into a different protocol I found no possible way to do this. Has anyone tried doing this?

Hi @mcp0228,

Why would you like to proceed like that?
Note that the PSD file is a child of the raw recording, thus it does need to also have an associate channel file. In that sense you would need to complete Folder, and this depend of the Subject.

The way to go would be to copy the entire Subject to the other protocol.

Hi @Raymundo.Cassani
Thanks for your reply. The purpose of this exercise was to share some PSD files to a colleague online. We assumed that the PSD files could just be shared through export to file and importing that file but it looks like that is not the case.