PSD plot, average and standard deviation

Hi Francois,

You comment made me think that the reverse should be possible. Sure enough, I found Python interfaces with Matlab file (Yes, of course, but I did not think about it…). For example, SciPy has loadmat.

> from import loadmat
> x = loadmat(‘psd_file.mat’)
> x[‘TF’]
> array([[[ 6.14219735e-23, 2.15133210e-22, 1.21873608e-22,
7.60074177e-23, 6.55650214e-23, 5.81909755e-23,
6.16783674e-23, 5.95793110e-23, 6.43282147e-23,
8.45523560e-23, 1.01261673e-22, 8.98135417e-23,
6.75668335e-23, 5.00098220e-23, 4.69724688e-23,…

So far, I can access all fields in the mat file. One problem less for me! :slight_smile:
