Questions about the Brodmann atlas in the nirstorm

Hello, I'm studying how to use nirstorm and I have a trouble.

I used the default anatomy (Colin27 4NIRS) for my analysis. When I want to extract the scout time series, I found the Brodmann atlas only included 28 ROIs, and I want to include all the ROIs.

I found a built-in altas (PALS-B12 Brodmann) including all 79 ROIs when I analyzed the EEG signal using the ICBM152 template, and the altas is what I need.

I tried to save the altas as a .mat file and load it when I used the nirstorm, and an error appeared.

So, could you please tell me how to fix the error. I'm not familiar with Freesurfer, and I want to used the built-in altas in the brainstorm.

Thanks a lot!


To do that, you would need to project the atlas from the ICBM surface to the surface of Colin27. You can use the scout menu to project scout from one anatomy to another:

Note that, however, the projection might not be very accurate. If I were you, I would look if it's possible to compute the specific atlas you want for colin27 or I would use the ICBM template instead of colin27 so you would directly have the correct atlas.

side note: be careful with the "flip sign" option. It has been made mainly for EEG/MEG and doesn't really make sense for NIRS.
